Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Bilingual song of the continents/ Cancion de los continentes bilingue

Hola Continente
(Song/Cancion Apu el Indiecito)

Hola America
hola America
Como esta usted.

Hello America
hello America
How are you today.


You need:

A world map that shows each continent
A child

Sing the song and substitute the continent's name for the next continent as you travel through the world map.



Un mapa que muestre los todos continentes 
Un nino

Canta la cancion y cambia el continente mientras que viajan por el mapa del mundo.

Bilingual song of the countries / Cancion de los paises bilingue

Hola Pais
(Song/Cancion Apu el Indiecito)

Hola Argentina
hola Argentina
Como esta usted.

Hello Argentina
hello Argentina
How are you today.

Click here to see the video of song and Big Boy showing a few  the countries/ Cliquea aqui ver el video de la cancion y para ver a Big Boy mostrar algunos de los paises.


You need:

A world map that shows each country
A child

Sing the song and substitute the country's name for the next country as you travel through the world map.

Felt Activity in Spanish/ Actividad de felpa en Espanol

5 Centavos 

5 centavos lleve al mercado
me compre queso por ¼ y solo quedan 4

4 centavos me quedan esta vez
me compre un pez y solo quedan 3

3 centavos los comparto con vos
te compre arroz y solo quedan 2

2 centavos es mas que uno
compre pan para el desayuno y solo queda 1

1 centavo es mejor que un hada
me compe una empanada y no me quedo nada


Para esta actividad necesitas 5 monedas de centavos
Una foto de un queso, preferiblemente ¼ de queso
Un pez

Hay varias maneras de hacer esta actividad:

1- Hacelo de felpa. Para el arroz podes cortar un circulo como si fuera un plato o cualquier otra forma y pergarle arroz.
2- Usa materiales reales, centavos reales,  pez de plastico, un platito con arroz, un pedacito de pan y una empanada;
3- Usa fotos de cada cosa. Para usarlo en la tabla de felpa ponele Velcro.

Usa los materiales para ilustrar la actividad.


You need:

5  one cent coins
A picture of cheese. Preferably ¼  of a cheese.
A fish
1- Make them out of felt;
2- Use real materials like real pennies, a plastic fish, small plate with rice, a piece of bread and an empanada.
3- Use a picture of each of the materials. To use it in a felt board you can glue a Velcro dot.

Use the materials to enrich the activity.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Sensory tubs!

Today's sensory tub

Today Big Boy came up with his own idea of a sensory tub. He brought the black beans, and pinto beans. I added a few foam letters, 3 baby food jars for sorting the beans and letters and a clothe pin for picking up the beans, etc.

Here are pictures of other sensory tubs we made

 His 2 year old birthday sensory tub consists of:
Shredded construction paper
Aromatic candle

Saint Patrick's Day sensory tub:
Green colored rice
2 Baby food Jars. I glued rice to one of them and a penny to the other for sorting
A green melon scented candle 
Snow globe from the 99 c store
Saint Patrick's glasses from 99 c store
A little S P shot cup from 99 c store
And a spoon (not shown)

Monday, August 15, 2011

Another day gone by and...

Yes, another day went by and here we are still trying to put it all together. We just got one activity done today. And it seems sometimes that it is a race against time. Is it a race? Why am I racing and where am I going?

The funny thing is that I feel like I am racing trying to get things done. I am racing to get the materials and schoolroom ready. But Big Boy is not. Big boy is living the moment. Big boy is busy learning every second he is alive. He doesn't think why mommy doesn't have the room ready for me. As far as he know the room is ready. He has games, activities,  and toys. He has his clothes handy so he can choose what he wants to wear and if something is not within his reach he goes to the kitchen and brings a chair. My point is that he is constantly learning regardless of what I do or don't do. So I better relax because if I keep thinking of tomorrow I will miss the today.

It is not a race and I shouldn't hurry up. I am racing because I don't want my children to miss out on anything but by racing they are missing out on me. I am going nowhere if I stress out because I am racing. So I am going to step out of this race. I am going to stop right now and only think about how good it feels to hold my baby girl in my arms.

Carpe Diem!!!!


Saturday, August 13, 2011

How I am setting up the prepared environment

I am getting organized which is taking a long time. I will post pictures later of the way I set up the environment for my children as we set it up. But for now this is what I did.

- I have a small children table with two chairs where he can sit to eat if he wants to or do his activities and art.

- I got rid of all the plastic cups (saved a few for when we go in the car).

- He never slept in a crib, neither my baby daughter because we co-sleep.

- He has a bookshelf that my husband made for placing his materials.
This is an older version I will post the new one soon. The only difference is
that next to the cork board there is a drying rack that my husband made and that the easel is in another place and that where the easel is BB has the art/food/work table.

- We also have another bookshelf my husband made out of Mahogany wood. And he is currently working in two more bookshelves like the red one shown in the picture above.

- He chooses what clothes he wears and puts them on by himself. So he is just 2 and he can dress himself from head to toes!

- He drinks out of glass cups and uses ceramic plates. Also he has his own set of  steel silverware. No plastic!

- I am currently working in setting up his school room. Since I have a hard time telling him that he can go there only during "school" hours and it is the room where he and sister have their clothes I give one step forward and two steps behind.

Here is a link on how to create the prepared environment.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

It is just the beginning!

Hi there! I am just beginning my Montessori journey. I am awaiting to discover what it is all about. I know many of you are seasoned Montessorians, some of you just know enough and there are other like me just beginning this journey. I am hoping to share the little I know and I hope to learn from you too.