Monday, August 15, 2011

Another day gone by and...

Yes, another day went by and here we are still trying to put it all together. We just got one activity done today. And it seems sometimes that it is a race against time. Is it a race? Why am I racing and where am I going?

The funny thing is that I feel like I am racing trying to get things done. I am racing to get the materials and schoolroom ready. But Big Boy is not. Big boy is living the moment. Big boy is busy learning every second he is alive. He doesn't think why mommy doesn't have the room ready for me. As far as he know the room is ready. He has games, activities,  and toys. He has his clothes handy so he can choose what he wants to wear and if something is not within his reach he goes to the kitchen and brings a chair. My point is that he is constantly learning regardless of what I do or don't do. So I better relax because if I keep thinking of tomorrow I will miss the today.

It is not a race and I shouldn't hurry up. I am racing because I don't want my children to miss out on anything but by racing they are missing out on me. I am going nowhere if I stress out because I am racing. So I am going to step out of this race. I am going to stop right now and only think about how good it feels to hold my baby girl in my arms.

Carpe Diem!!!!



  1. Welcome to the Bloggy world Monica! An excellent lesson that I have been working hard to learn! Sometimes we spend too much time planning and not enough time doing! :) Great post! There will always be that feeling of needed to do more, but we dont need it to control what we do! Thanks for sharing!

  2. Thank you Stephanie! It is silly. I have the cylinder blocks that I recently bought still in the box waiting for a miracle to happen. hahah! So I decided to put them out and let my son use them even if the room and other materials are not ready! I'll get there someday...maybe not!haha. I like what you said " We don't need to control what we do." Thank you! Monica

  3. Yes Monica I am right there with you. My hubby made a comment one day, I was looking at something at the store for the mangos. My husband said "oh, I think that is more for mommy." Yup he was right!! Have you seen the movie Baby? It is amazing. Our children would be happy with rocks, dirt, and some sticks!

  4. I could have written this myself. Oh, how we learn from our children as we teach them. :)
