Monday, January 14, 2013

Five in a Row (FIAR)

Hello everyone!

I am really excited because I came across a curriculum called Five in a Row. I ordered it used on amazon  and I am still waiting for it to arrived. This curriculum is literature based. You are supposed to read the same book for five days and in the manual you have suggested activities for each subject. I think as an addition to our montessori adventure. Umi LOVES reading books. So I think it would be a perfect match for him.

You can find a list of the books for every volume here and more information about FIAR there.

I just got the first book I bought it is called Madeline. Luckily I found it in Spanish. I went to the library today hoping I would find more of the books in Spanish but I only found one. There are a lot of resources for FIAR in homeschoolshare and others in pinterest.

I can't wait to get started! I will post more about it once I get the volume 1 of FIAR. I paid 24 dollars in amazon.

Have you used FIAR before? Any recommendations? Please share!

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